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Everything posted by paddywack

  1. Words cannot convey my gratitude, so let me just say this "Giggity, Giggity, Giggity!”
  2. must have been hard work ? thank you, can I get you a cup of tea and a sandwich?
  3. nice job thanks , meanwhile at the hall of doom! thank you
  4. Ok now what have we here??? why only the best bit of work I have ever seen!
  5. brilliant fantastic what can I say
  6. lucky for me my mom and dad taught me to be polite to others so I know how to say thank you to other people so spank you I mean thank you sir
  7. next time, I’m sending you a cape. thanks for your superhero-sized gift.
  8. time well spent hey now your a rock star
  9. Yabba-Dabba Do! The cat's meow and the dog's howl, that's you.
  10. nice job thanks , meanwhile at the hall of doom!
  11. ? Why did the chicken cross the road? Why to say thank you.
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